
全球观速讯丨AIC异彩纷呈的CAS结题展, 解锁CAS项目的正确打开方式

2023-03-10 10:07:41 来源:国际教育网

AIC’s CAS Exhibition



On the 3rd of March AIC held it’s CAS exhibition for the DP2 students in the Annex. The exhibition served as a showcase and presentation of the students CAS journey throughout the two-years and as a final reflection for them sharing what they had learned and to give advice to future DP and DP1 students.

CAS课程目的在于让学生学习如何领导、组织和管理活动和项目。这些经验在学习和生活上给予了学生实用性的技能。展览期间,家长、老师和其他年级的学生来到现场,向参展学生提出了发人深省的问题,帮助他们总结与反思自己的工作, 助力成长。

The primary purpose of CAS is for students to learn how to lead, organize, and manage their activities and projects. These experiences give them practical and transferable skills they can use for study and work. During the exhibition parents, teachers and students came to the and asked thought-provoking questions to help students reflect on their work and progress.


There was a wide range of different CAS portfolios shown in the form of Posters, videos, pictures and PowerPoints. Students also described their CAS experience with stories and highlights. One of the students shared a poster of her creative, active, and service experiences.

Another student shared her Drama CAS, which helped her receive Lamda certifications and help her eventually decide to study drama and performance at university.


The event was successful, and students and parents who visited the exhibition enjoyed it as it helped them understand that the DP focused on holistic education and educating the individual.


