Shenzhen (Nanshan) Concord College of Sino-Canada (SCCSC)’s 12th Annual Bullying Awareness Week (BAW) took place this year the week of March 20, 2023. The theme was "The Power of a Helping Hand” and the slogan was "Lift Each Other Up." Our goal is to increase awareness about school bullying and remind everyone in the community that even small acts of kindness can make a world of difference.深圳(南山)中加学校于2023年3月20日至24日举办了第12届反欺凌教育周活动。今年反欺凌教育周活动的主题是“助人的力量”,口号是“照亮彼此”。我们旨在通过此次活动提升全校师生预防校园欺凌的意识,并提醒校园里的每一个人,即使是小小的善行也能让世界大不相同。During the lead up to the event, there were activities in all grades - Chinese essay competition, four panel comic script design competition, and English class activities. Peer Buddy classes about cyberbullying were held for all grade 10 students.在反欺凌教育周前夕,全校各个年级都展开了丰富多彩的预热活动,包括中文作文比赛,四格漫画设计比赛,加方英语课堂活动等。伙伴系统成员也为高一年级各班提供了一堂关于网络欺凌的课程。An interactive education fair, with Peer buddies and Life Skills Club members acting as volunteers, was held on Monday. The fair included fun activities and booths: students could paint and make their own BAW themed pinwheels, or send a card with kind messages and a lollipop to someone they know from the school. Rubber bands with slogans, pink pens, night lamps and other swag was on sale.互动教育集市于周一下午举办,许多伙伴系统成员和心理社成员都作为志愿者积极参与其中。互动教育集市包括有趣的活动以及摊位,学生们可以自己绘制反欺凌主题风车,或者给校园里的某个人“寄出”一份包含善意信息的卡片和棒棒糖的“爱心速递”。同时,印有今年活动口号的手环,粉色笔、小夜灯以及其他周边物品也都在纪念品摊位进行售卖。
One highlight of the week is the Wear Pink Day on Wednesday. Students and teachers were encouraged to wear pink to symbolize the spirit of standing together and Lifting each other up in the community. In the afternoon, we were able to see a small “Sea of Pink” on the football field.
The Bullying Awareness Week ended with a closing ceremony, awards were handed out to students who had made a lot of effort supporting this week. We hope students had opportunities to reflect on the theme: kindness, empathy, and understanding can mean so much to students who are impacted by bullying, whether it is sending a check-in message, calling out bullying behavior, or simply listening to them. There are so many ways we can lift them up!