
IB Global Conference 2023 - Adelaide, Australia

2023-04-23 09:58:22 来源:国际教育网



IB Global Conference 2023 - Adelaide, Australia

As the CISH’s MYP Coordinator, I had the pleasure of attending the IB Global Conference in Adelaide Australia last week thanks to the efforts of Dr. Francis Pang and Madame Du Juan. It was the first face-to-face global conference for the Asia-Pacific region since the pandemic and it was a wonderful opportunity to get together with my peers to discuss and learn about the future of IB and best practices for students, teachers, and schools moving forward in our rapidly changing world.

The conference was book-ended with two engaging and relevant keynotes. The introductory keynote was “Taking An Inclusive Approach to Support Wellbeing in Schools” by Dr. Helen Street and it focused on Contextual Well-being. Contextual Well-being supports an inclusive approach to whole school well-being and learning engagement through the development of a healthy school context. She discussed the importance of shifting our understanding of ‘being well’ from the individual to the collective; and our understanding of ‘acting well’ from the self to the social. The closing keynote was “Teaching for tomorrow: How to future-proof our schools, students and educational systems” by Michael McQueen and it looked at the rapidly changing face of technology in education framed around educationalist John Dewey’s warning of “if we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.” It highlighted new technologies, how to implement them effectively, and how to effectively prepare our students for their future.

I also attended several breakout sessions that looked at school culture and identity, transitioning from the PYP into the MYP, shifting pedagogical mindsets, rubrics, assessments, and validity in the MYP, constructing teacher performance indicators, and how school systems and cultures inhibit learning. Most importantly, I attended 3 sessions with the lead MYP curriculum designer Nat Erbes on the upcoming changes to the MYP program through Enhancing the MYP. Instead of subject-specific changes, the IB is looking at the MYP holistically as a whole to enhance it in order to: prepare all learners to shape their future with transformational IB learning experiences, empower educators to adapt, design and deliver a dynamic future-facing curriculum, and support schools to cultivate inclusive learning communities and realize the full value of the MYP.

- MYP Coordinator - Sean Miller

2023年IB 全球会议--澳大利亚阿德莱德在Francis Pang董事长和Du Juan女士的大力支持下,我有幸以CISH的MYP协调员的身份参加了上周于澳大利亚阿德莱德举行的IB全球会议。这是自疫情爆发后,亚太地区首次面对面的全球会议,让我们有机会与IB其它教育者一起,共同讨论和了解IB的发展前景,以及探讨如何让学生、教师和学校更好地适应这个瞬息万变的时代。会议以两篇有吸引力和相关性的主题发言作为开场和结尾。开场白是Helen Street教授的“采取包容性的方法促进校园快乐”,其主要内容是“环境幸福”。环境幸福提倡以全面方式,营造健康发展的学校环境,支持采取包容性的方法使全校师生都能享受到快乐,并积极参与到学习中来。她谈到了将我们对“健康”的理解从个人转移到集体的重要性;和我们如何看待“表现良好”这个概念,从自己到社会。大会的结束语以Michael McQueen的“为明天教学:如何证明我们的学校、学生和教育系统的未来性”为题,讨论了教育中技术的快速变化,围绕着教育家约翰·杜威的一句话为例,即“如果我们像教昨天的学生一样教今天的学生,我们就会剥夺他们的明天。”,指出了如何有效地实施,以及如何有效地为学生的未来做好充分的准备。此外,我也参加了几次分组会议,其中包括:讨论了学校文化和认同,从PYP过渡到MYP,转变教学心态、准则、评估和MYP的有效性,构建教师绩效指标,以及学校制度和文化对学习的影响。重要的是,我与MYP首席课程制定专家Nat Erbes一同出席了参加了3个会议,关于MYP项目的变化。为了使 MYP真正的价值得以体现, IB并不因特定的学科而有所变化,相反, IB把 MYP看作一个完整的整体,使所有的学习者都做好了用改革后的 IB学习经验来塑造他们自己的将来,使教育人员能够适应、设计并提供具有活力的、面向将来的课程,并且帮助学校建立一个包容的学习共同体。

- MYP 协调员 - Sean Miller

