Chinese "ninth cuisine" -- school canteen
Campus fireworks gas, the transfer of the
world"smost ordinary touched
A porridge and a meal when thinking
won"t come easily,
a peck a drink full of safety and warmth
Whether students eat well at school or not,
whether they are healthy or not
Whether the nutrition collocation is reasonable
Are the focus of parents" attention
Let"s get together
Enter the International School Shanghai
MacDuffiecampus restaurant
Witness the ultimate effort of a mea
Inside the tidy dining room, the kitchen utensils are in good order and the floor is bright and clean as new. Careful cleaning, effectively ensure the restaurant clean, tidy, healthy, for teachers and students to create a warm dining environment.
School food safety concerns the health of students, is the top priority offood safety work. To protect the "tongue safety" of teachers and students, a set of rigorous and scientific standards is indispensable. ShanghaiMacDuffieSchool is in strict accordance with the "six T" practical management, to build a safe canteen for students.
In order to ensure the freshness of the ingredients every day, the ingredients transported on the same day will be served on the same day. Each food material transported on the day has the day"s food distribution inspection list; and reasonable distribution of frozen areas, each meat has animal quarantine certificate.一切井井有条,规范整洁。小到一块抹布的使用,大到厨房设备、食品原料的分类冷藏,无处不是按照规范标准认认真真地执行到位。这些充分体现美达菲的食品安全值得家长和学生的信赖!
Everything is orderly and neat. From the use of a rag to the classification and refrigeration of kitchen equipment and food raw materials, they are conscientiously implemented in place according to the specifications and standards. These fully reflect the food safety of Macduffie is worthy of the trust of parents and students!2舌尖上的美味,营养均衡更健康
All the ingredients of the restaurant are carefully selected, from the field to the table are strictly controlled, to ensure the quality of the restaurant. Dishes with proper meat and vegetable dishes serve all teachers and students, so that theycan enjoy a safe, nutritious, delicious and satisfactory meal.SHANGHAIMACDUFFIE另外,在菜品的安排上,上海美达菲学校结合南北地域的饮食差异,对菜品进行了精心设计,在健康、营养均衡的同时,兼顾东西南北风味,满足不同口味需求,提供给学生多元的选择。In addition, in terms of the arrangement of dishes, the school has carefully designed the dishes according to the dietary differences between the north and the south, so as to give consideration to the flavors of the east, the south and the east, meet the needs of different tastes, and provide students with a variety of choices.为保证学生营养均衡,膳食部的叔叔阿姨们制定了每周营养食谱。
In order to ensure that students have a balanced nutrition, the staffin the food Department make weekly nutritional recipes.
"Our food may not be fancy, but it"s real, it"s real definitely. When I saw the children finish the dishes, I feel so happy. It proves that it was worth it."——上海美达菲食堂阿姨
"Everything at our school is really good, especially the spicy shrimp which is my favorite!"“食堂每周都会提前出新菜单,哈哈哈,已经期待下周的菜啦!”
"The canteen changes the menu every week in advance, ha ha ha, already looking forward to next week"s dishes!"——上海美达菲学生
Spicy Shrimp, Beer Duck, Braised Pork with Chestnut, Steamed Fishwith Black Bean Sauce, Beef Fillet with Hangzhou Pepper......Mixed Noodles with Scallion Oil, Duck Blood Vermicelli Soup, Scallop Soup, White Fungus Soup, Yogurt, Fresh Fruit......也许你会因为一碗葱油拌面、一份鲜香的啤酒鸭,或是一份印象中的美食而爱上一所学校。
Maybe you will fall in love with a school because of a bowl of scallion oil noodles, a delicious beer duck, or a delicious food in your memory.用心挑选每一份食材
Choose each ingredient carefully
Make every dish carefully
Shanghai MacDuffieSchool canteen
With rich nutrition, balanced collocation
Meet the needs of students growth of dietary nutrition
Let teachers and students enjoy
the school"s wonderfulfood time