
SUIS 开学季 | “模考周”开启新学期,协和三林学子卷起来。

2023-02-09 18:10:25 来源:国际教育网


8th February marks the first day of the second semester of SUIS Pudong Sanlin Campus. This year"s opening theme is slightly different from previous years. In addition to the joys of spring, there is tension in the air.

“化学”、“英语文学”、“地理”、“中文”、“科学”、“音乐” ,今天排的不是课程,是满当当的考试。新学期考试周,正式启动。"Chemistry", "English Literature", "Geography", "Chinese", "Science", "Music" - it is not a typical school timetable, but a full day of exams. The new semester examination week officially started.





从1月到2月 From Janto Feb

学期匆匆,被疫情打乱的学期更是如此。为了本学期考试周的有序进行,老师们在上学期末便着手开始了准备。Last semester came to an unusual and sudden end due to the pandemic. In order to make this semester"s exam week run smoothly, teachers had to start their preparation in December last year.本次考试涉及所有IG1到A2年级的学生,考试科目涵盖13门,试卷类型超30种,在任课老师与行政老师们的紧密配合之下,确认近千份试卷内容的准确性和保密性。This examination session involves all IG1 to A2 students, covering 13 subjects and more than 30 types of papers. The accuracy and confidentiality of nearly 1,000 assessment papers are confirmed by the close cooperation of classroom teachers and administrative staff.正式考试开始前,老师们再一次对考试的纪律以及流程做了最后的梳理与确认,也对可能发生的小概率事件做了预案。On the exam day, the teachers once again made a final review and confirmation of the discipline and protocols of the examination. A contingency plan has also been put in place for emergencies.




During the Examination

面对考试,有人自信满满谈笑风生,也有人争分夺秒临考记重点。不论如何,每一场考试都是经历,是对于过往学习的验证,更是对自我的一种认知,指引了未来学习的方向。When faced with examinations, some students are full of confidence, and some are still racing against time to memorise key points in the subjects. In any case, every exam is an experience, a verification of past learning, and a kind of self-recognition, which will guide them to the next stage of learning.




From the Deputy Head

- Mr. Tsui-


Deputy Head of SUIS PD-SL Campus

欢迎同学们回归,开启第二学期的校园生活。Welcome back to Semester 2 at SUIS Pudong-Sanlin Campus.模考周正式开始了,对于学生们和老师们来说,这都将是忙碌的开始。We have kicked off our first week back to school with our Mock Examinations which is going to a busy time for both students and teachers.为了应对考试,学生们将花费大量时间复习,写笔记,以及坐在考场内参加考试。我们都知道“熟能生巧”,这次模拟考试将为他们提供真实的考试体验:依照要求准时进入考场,参加测试,并在考试时间内完成所有答题,摆脱他们可能出现的“怯场”。通过考试,学生们也会了解到在正式参加5月-6月的大考前他们还需要做哪些课程学习准备。Students will be spending a lot of time revising, writing notes, and obviously sitting the examinations. We all know that “Practice makes perfect” and this mock examination will provide them with authentic examination experiences: sitting in an examination hall, arriving at the venue on the right day and at the correct time, managing their time during the examinations and getting rid of their “stage fright”. Students will also find out where they are at and see what they will need to revisit before the real external examinations in May/June this year.另一方面,模拟考试可以作为教师的教学的指南针。老师们将在考试后评估学生的表现,并提供个性化的学习反馈,以帮助学生们有针对性得提高。同时,老师们也会以此为基础,修改他们的教学计划以“填补空白”——回顾薄弱环节,强调关键点并练习重要的考试技巧。On the other hands, mock examinations can serve as a performance indicator for teachers. Staff will gauge the performance of their students and give personalised formative feedback to help students improve. Teachers will also modify their teaching programme to “fill in the gaps” – recapping areas of weakness, re-emphasising key points and practising important examinations skills.我们想重申的是,模拟考试的结束只是一个开始——本学期才刚刚开始,除了复习和练习之外,还有其他知识点需要涵盖。学生应继续充分参与课堂,在有疑问时提出问题,并尽最大能力完成分配的学习任务,按时提交作业以及在收到教师反馈后反复打磨。这是一个完整的学习过程,不应该懈怠。在学习的过程中,我们希望家长们也能参与其中并支持我们。However, we would like to reiterate that the end of the mock examination is just a start – this semester has just begun and there are still materials to be covered in addition to revision and practice. Students should continue participating fully in class, learning as much as they can, asking questions when in doubt, completing assigned work to their best ability, submitting work on time as well as responding to written or verbal feedback upon receipt of their marked pieces of work. This is a complete learning process and should not be slack off. We would also like our parents to support us on this.我们期待着一个全新的学期,一个同样硕果累累的学期。学校,老师和同学,在教育面前,我们都是携手并进的伙伴。当学年结束,回顾过去的每一步付出和努力,相信我们都将有所收获。We look forward to another successful and productive Semester 2 and we are sure all parties will reap the benefits at the end of the academic year from all the time and effort we have all put in.


New Semester, New Start.


Wish you all a splendid semester ahead.

