
BOYA Youth Talent Show 博雅少年才艺秀丨活力四射,展IB风采!

2023-04-14 16:20:15 来源:国际教育网




Cecilia Zhang和Max Deng同学带来美国歌手Taylor Swift的《lover》,感性的合唱述说“以一种浪漫的眼光来看待生活中的一切”的态度,成长的过程中总是充满荆棘,从失序中获利才能够斩破困难。

伴随着动感的节奏,Hamila Liang和Wendy Jiang同学带来Kpop舞蹈表演《Antifragile》,她们充满力量和律动的动作、坚定明亮的眼神,传递了年轻一代直面成长中的困难挑战的决心,她们将艰难的时光视为成长的刺激,由此变得更加坚强。

Jesse Sun同学演唱了治愈音乐剧《致埃文·汉森》的歌曲——《Waving Though A Window》,用歌声带领大众思考当下青年人渴望被倾听却得不到倾听的问题。悠扬的音乐响起,拨动在场听众的情绪,让人感同深受,不自觉地跟着吟唱。

Olivia Tang同学演绎了一首浪漫英文歌曲《Perfect》。柔顺的旋律温馨动人,深情的演唱令人感动,一曲浪漫到底,完美诠释了爱情童话。

Sophia Zhai同学带来电影主题曲《匆匆那年》的独唱。电影缅怀的是青春中以分离为结束的恋情,但在这里演唱的则是悼念友情、缅怀青春。忧伤的旋律勾起听众们对于青春时代中经历过与朋友分离、友谊淡去的共鸣,每一个音符都在敲击着听众的内心。

几首抒情曲过后,一段轻松愉悦的节奏反转现场氛围,点燃了才艺秀气氛。Ivan Zhang、Jerry Li和Adam Tang同学带来一首说唱歌曲《经济舱》,向今年即将从IB毕业、跨进自己向往的大学的高三学长学姐献上祝愿,行而不辍,未来可期。

Max Deng同学solo演唱歌曲《I Don’t Wanna Be You Anymore》,一如原唱Billie Eilish在面对生活的不确定性中找到了自己的方向,并且在音乐中重拾了自我,Max的演唱也唱出了Z世代年轻人心声:不要被界定,不被单一定义,勇敢做自己。

Valery Zhou和Cecilia Zhang同学一同合唱歌曲《永不失联的爱》,动听的旋律,默契的和音,娓娓道来一个深情的故事。两位同学的演唱极具感染力,给现场听众留下了深刻的印象。

最后,Julia Peng带来歌手Taylor Swift的经典曲目《Love Story》。“生活并不是如何艰难地度过暴风雪,而是如何在雨中舞蹈”,欢快的节奏、富有意义的歌词让全场一起在旋律中更是重新审视了爱情、生活和人生的意义。



The spring breeze is blowing, the sun is shining brightly, and the campus is full of busy students. Outside the classroom, a group of energetic teenagers gathered in the Global Plaza in the afternoon to show their talents. The students at Guangzhou Foreign Language School ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme performed songs and dances in the IB special session of "Boya Youth Talent Show". Their confident and spirited performances all demonstrated the comprehensive development of the IB students.

Next, let’s review the wonderful performances of our students together!

Cecilia Zhang and Max Deng chorused the song of "Lover" by American singer Taylor Swift. The emotional performance presented the attitude of "looking at everything in life with a romantic perspective". The journey of growing up is always full of thorns. We could only benefit from overcoming difficulties.

Accompanied by the dynamic rhythm, Hamila Liang and Wendy Jiang danced the Kpop dance "Antifragile". Their powerful and rhythmic dance movements and bright eyes conveyed the determination of the young generation to face the difficulties and challenges while growing up. They see the hard times as a stimulus to grow and become stronger.

Jesse Sun sang the song "Waving Though a Window" from the healing musical "To Evan Hansen", leading the audience to think about the scene when young people are eager to be heard but cannot be heard. The melodious music sounded, touching the emotions of the audience, making people feel sympathetic to the song and sing along unconsciously.

Olivia Tang sang a romantic English song "Perfect". The soft melody was warm and moving, the soulful singing was touching, and the romantic song perfectly presented the fairy tale of love.

Sophia Zhai performed a solo of the theme song of the movie "Fleet of Time". What the movie describes is the puppy love in adolescence that ends in separation, but what is sung here is mourning the friendship fading away in adolescence. The melancholy melody evokes the audience"s sympathy for the separation from friends and the fading of friendship in adolescence, and every note touches the audience"s heart.

After a few ballads, a relaxed and pleasant rhythm changed the atmosphere of the scene and ignited the atmosphere of the talent show. Ivan Zhang, Jerry Li, and Adam Tang brought a rap song " Vol.Flightin" to express their best wishes to G12 students who are about to graduate from IB Diploma Programme this year and enter their desired university, wishing them a bright future.

Max Deng sang the song "I Don"t Wanna Be You Anymore". Just like how the original singer Billie Eilish found her way in the face of the uncertainty of life, and regained control of herself in music, Max"s singing also sang the inner voice of the Generation Z: don"t be defined, don"t be defined by only one standard, and be brave and be yourself.

Valery Zhou and Cecilia Zhang sang together the song "Unbreakable Love ", with a beautiful melody and harmony, telling a souful story. The singing of the two students was very touching and left a deep impression on the audience.

In the end, Julia Peng brought the classic song "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. Life is not about how to survive the snowstorm, but how to dance in the rain. The cheerful rhythm and meaningful lyrics made the audience re-examine the meaning of love, lifestyle, and life in the melody.

Although the performance time was short, we were deeply impressed by the confident, energetic, and talented performances of the IB students. The development of the students has indeed benefited from IB holistic education.

The core of IB education is holistic education. In GZFLS ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme, in addition to academic courses, students have the opportunity to participate in more than 50 CCA (extra curriculum activities), jointly provided by GZFLS ISA Wenhua IB Diploma Programme and GZFSL, and a variety of activities on campus, covering humanities, sciences, social sciences, arts, sports and other fields, which promote students" in-depth exploration in these fields, develop their innovative thinking, perspectives and ways of expression, allow them to give full play to their strengths and imagination, seek breakthroughs and innovations based on their learnt knowledge and skills and become a unique individual.

