
头条焦点:丰富的A Level科目,帮助学生发挥优势和潜力 Diverse A Level Subject Options at LEHF

2023-03-03 19:03:33 来源:国际教育网

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佛山市霍利斯外籍人员子女学校最近举行了一场A Level科目信息分享会,向在读学生和家长介绍了佛山霍利斯A Level课程提供的科目选项。

在这篇文章中,我们邀请我校12-13年级主任Kirk女士给大家分享更多关于佛山霍利斯A Level课程和升学支持的信息,以及一些专业的建议。


Mrs Kirk

Kirk女士是我校数学学科主任及12-13年级主任,拥有超过35年任教经验,曾在英国、西班牙、哥伦比亚、迪拜、泰国和中国任教。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,她在英国任教,在教授数学的同时,还担任中学毕业生导师以及A Level考试考官。

为什么选择A Level?

A Level课程广受英国及世界各地大学的认可和青睐。A Level课程为学生提供了深入研究特定学科领域的机会,让他们能够对自己所选的学科有更充足的了解。欢迎点击这里,了解更多关于佛山霍利斯A Level的课程信息。

丰富的A Level 科目选择

在佛山霍利斯,我们致力于为学生们提供高质量和具有前瞻性的教育,这一点也反映在我们A Level课程的广度和深度。佛山霍利斯的A Level课程提供近20个科目选择,涵盖了科学、人文、社会科学、创意艺术和语言等不同领域,确保学生们能有多元化的选择。



















咨询Mrs Kirk

问题1:A Level选科有什么适合的策略?

认真研究每个A Level科目的信息,例如跟学科老师交谈、了解学科课程的具体内容、与在读学生交流等。可以了解学科课程的考试方式,判断自己是否能很好地应对这种考试方式。相比于IGCSE,A Level的课程在难度方面有所升级,因此要做出明智的选科决定。学生对未来想要学习的大学课程或职业选择可能随时发生变化,所以在选科时要确保选择自己喜欢而且擅长的科目。如果你正在学习科学学科中某一门的A Level科目,那么你可能需要考虑是否需要搭配另一门科学或者数学科目,特别是如果你希望日后在科学领域攻读大学课程或从事相关职业的情况下。如果你选择了特定的职业发展方向,则需要查询一下该职业是否有特定的A Level学科要求。如果你选择了特定的希望攻读的大学课程,则需要查询该课程的入学要求。一些大学课程有非常具体的A Level科目要求,另一些课程则比较灵活,所以要多加注意,留意入学要求。


当学生们升读12-13年级时,他们需要选择3-4门A Level科目。作为前提,学生们也必须在这些学科的IGCSE考试中达到特定的水平。学生会定期与年级导师进行交谈,以此确定他们的兴趣和优势所在。很重要的一点是,学生们应该选择他们喜欢且能胜任的科目。学校会与学生讨论他们的志愿和未来目标,并为他们指出实现目标的最佳途径。在交谈中,我们也会鼓励学生尝试探索他们之前可能没有考虑过的科目。

问题3:学生们的A Level 选科需要参考IGCSE成绩吗?

对于某一些特定科目,如果学生在之前的学习阶段没有接触或达到一定的知识水平,他们是不能在A Level阶段选择这些科目。比如说,如果一个学生在IGCSE数学考试中成绩没有拿到7分或以上,那么学校会强烈建议这位学生选择其他的科目。A Level课程的学术难度升级了不少,学生们需要清楚知道自己的优势所在。但在另一些科目,情况却截然不同,例如有些学生以前没有学习过经济学或者全球视野,但他们也可以选择这两门科目,因为这些科目的所有学生基本上都是同时从入门阶段开始学习。














在佛山霍利斯,我们重视家长在孩子学习过程中所扮演的重要角色。在A Level选科期间,我们鼓励家长和学生之间进行积极、公开和真诚的交谈。我们重视家长的意见,并相信家长的参与和支持有助于确保学生们能够追求自己的兴趣爱好,同时也能达到他们的学术目标。

Mrs Kirk


12-13年级是学生们学习生涯的最后阶段,也是通往高等教育学府或未来工作的重要的衔接阶段。在佛山霍利斯,我们能够提供世界一流的教育服务,激发学生的求知欲和促进他们的个人成长。我们的A Level课程均有经验丰富的学科教师授课,为学生们提供丰富的科目选择,使他们能够追求自己真正的兴趣爱好和目标理想。

佛山霍利斯也提供A Level预科课程,主要面向未学习过两年制IGCSE课程的学生,目的是帮助他们打好重要的学术和语言基础。A Level预科课程为期一年,提供强化的英语教学,并让学生体验和习惯使用英文学习其他科目的知识,帮助他们顺利全面过渡到A Level课程。点击这里了解A Level预科的详细信息。

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LEH International School Foshan recently hosted an A Level Information Session to introduce the A Level subject options to parents and students. The event aimed to provide a deeper insight into the curriculum and highlight the advantages of the British Advance Level curriculum.

In this article, we invite Mrs Kirk, Head of the Sixth Form to share more information on the A Level curriculum and support service at LEH Foshan and some professional tips with all families.

Mrs Kirk

Mrs Kirk is our Head of Mathematics and Head of Sixth Form. She has taught Maths for over 30 years around the world in top international schools, including Colombia, Spain, Dubai and Bangkok. Before joining LEH Foshan she was teaching in the UK where she was not only teaching Maths, but also enjoyed the role of Sixth Form Tutor supporting pre-university preparation as well as an A-Level Examiner.

Why A Level?

The A Level curriculum is one of the most widely recognised qualifications for university entry in the United Kingdom and around the world. It offers students the opportunity to specialise in specific subject areas and provides them with a more in-depth understanding of the subjects they choose to study. Click here to learn more about our A Level curriculum.

Diverse A Level Subject Options

At LEH Foshan, our commitment to providing students with a high-quality and forward-looking education is evident in the breadth and depth of our A Level curriculum. We are proud to offer nearly 20 elective subjects spanning across different disciplines in the sciences, humanities, social sciences, creative arts, and languages, to ensure that our students have a diverse range of options to choose from.






Computer Science

Design & Technology



Global Perspectives


English Literature


Further Mathematics




Sports Science

Ask Mrs Kirk

Q1: What are the best strategies when it comes to choosing A-Level subjects?

Research each A Level thoroughly – talk to your teachers to find out what is involved in the course. Talk to students who are already taking that subject. Find out how the course will be assessed and whether this will suit you and your strengths. A Levels are a big step up from IGCSEs – they are harder! So choose subjects wisely. Career or degree ideas may change so make sure to choose subjects which you like and can do well in. If you are taking a science A Level, you should consider whether you need to look at taking another science or maths, particularly if you are interested in scientific careers or courses. If you have a specific career in mind, check to see if you will need specific A Level subjects. If you have a specific degree course in mind, check the entry requirements. Some university courses are very specific about the A Level subjects required – other degree subjects are very flexible. Check entry requirements.

Q2: How does LEH Foshan help students choose their subjects? What sorts of support does the school offer to its students?

Once students reach the sixth form, it is expected that they have elected to study three or four A level subjects. However, prior to this, students must have achieved a specific level at IGCSE. We regularly hold meetings with both tutors and students to identify their interests and strengths. It is crucial that students select subjects they enjoy and can excel in. We discuss their aspirations and future goals with them, and guide students towards choosing the best path to achieve their goals. During our conversations, we also encourage students to explore subjects they may not have previously considered.

Q3: Do the choices depend on student’s IGCSE results?

There are instances when a student cannot choose a particular subject because there is no evidence of previous knowledge to the level that would allow the student to access the course. For instance if a student does not reach a level 7 in mathematics at IGCSE the school would strongly advise the student to choose another subject that they can access at A Level. A Level is quite a big jump academically and students need to be realistic about where their strengths lie. Conversely some students will not have studied Economics or Global Perspective before but the course will be open to them as all students will start from a lower assumed knowledge point.

Transferable Skills for Lifelong Success

In addition to academic excellence, LEH Foshan also places a strong emphasis on the development of transferable skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, to ensure that our students are prepared for success in all aspects of their lives. These are reflected in our compulsory subjects and the diverse extra-curricular activities (ECAs).

Compulsory Subjects:

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

Physical Education

Careers and University Guidance

International Project Qualification (IPQ)

Personal Social Health Education (PSHE)

Daily ECAs

At LEH Foshan, our students have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of ECAs, including sports, music, drama, and community service, which help to develop their leadership, social, and creative skills. Learn more about our ECA Programme here.

Support Services at Sixth Form

Apart from academic learning and support in the curriculum, students also benefit from structured career and university guidance and counselling services, including in-house tutoring, university fairs, and support from UCAS. Click here to learn more details.

Tips for Parents

At LEH Foshan, we recognise the important role that parents play in their child"s academic journey. We encourage active, open, and honest dialogues between parents and students when it comes to choosing A Level subjects. We value the input of parents and believe that involving them in the decision-making process helps ensure that students are able to pursue their passions while also meeting their academic goals.

Mrs Kirk

"Parents are encouraged to support their child’s learning and making choices is a vital part of the child’s growth so LEH strongly supports parents sharing their own academic journeys and researching with their child so that they can understand the many different paths to reach a goal or helping their child move forward even when they are unsure of their own path will really help our students make calm and well-considered choices."

The Sixth Form is the culmination of a student’s school career and the stepping stone to the worlds of higher education or the workplace. At LEH Foshan, we take pride in offering a world-class education that promotes intellectual curiosity and personal growth. Our A Level curriculum is expertly delivered by our experienced teachers and provides all students with a multitude of subject choices, allowing them to pursue their real passions and interests.

LEH Foshan also offers a Pre-A Level programme for students who have not completed the two-year IGCSE programme to help them lay all important foundations ahead of the 2-year A Level Programme courses. The programme is a one-year course, with intensive English tuition, and opportunities to experience learning new subjects in English and to provide comprehensive preparation for all the school’s A level courses. Learn more about our Pre-A Level programme here.

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