
世界时讯:Event Review|趣味学习如此简单——IXL领导力比赛回顾

2023-04-17 09:58:47 来源:国际教育网

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随着互联网技术的进步及全球化步伐的加速,在线数学竞赛成为了学生挑战、检验自己数学技能的一种新途径。最近,武汉爱莎外籍子女学校的孩子们也参加了一场大型在线数学竞赛——IXL 领导力数学竞赛。

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With the advancement of Internet technology and the accelerated pace of globalization, online math competitions have become a new way for students to challenge themselves and test their math skills. Recently, the students of ISA Wuhan International School also took part in a major online maths competition - the IXL Leadership Maths Competition.

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The IXL Leadership Competition is a competition on IXL.com, the maths skills training platform used by ISA Wuhan. By starting up an IXL leaderboard, teachers can start personalised competitions for the students to compete and answer the most correct answers, skills mastered, time spent on IXL, etc. Making maths learning come alive on a platform such as IXL isa great way to motivate students to practise their maths skills and strive for excellence.

Students log on to IXL.com during the two weeks of the competition and see teacher-set questions on types of arithmetic, fractions, decimals, percentages, geometry, statistics, etc. They accumulate points by answering questions and at the end of the competition, students with high scores receive prizes.


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The winner of the competition, Kotaro, accumulated a whopping 5618 points. Just behind him was his own brother Teppei. They had quite a competition going. It was Kotaro whoeventually managed to win the competition through relentless hard work and patience. Kotaro said, "This competition was a good opportunity for me tochallenge myself. I persevered underpressure and I did it!"

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作为组织者的数学教师Daniel Kulkarni也对获奖者及全体学生们的成绩非常满意,他发现每个学生都动力十足,甚至是一些平时对数学不是很感兴趣的学生也表现得很好,甚至获得了奖品。


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Daniel Kulkarni, the maths teacher who organised the competition along with other teachers was also incredibly pleased with the hard work put in by the winners found every student to be highly motivated, and some students who would otherwise not be normally interested in maths did well and even won prizes.

"The leaderboard is a fun way to assess students" maths skills and seeing their names rise higher and higher on the leaderboard makes students feel excited to study and answer questions harder." Daniel said.

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The competition requires students to approach problems not only from different perspectives, but also to come up with creative solutions, a skill that is not only crucial in the learning of mathematics and other subjects, but is equally important in other areas of students" lives, for example.

Daniel told us, "Students" knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and their ability to apply these concepts to real-world problems were effectively assessed during the competition, which allowed me to identify areas where students needed additional support and provide targeted feedbackin order to help them progress."

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在武汉爱莎,除了IXL数学竞赛,我们还有很多这样有趣的学科竞赛,比如刚结束不久的英语语言艺术杯。目前,我们正在策划 "正念月 "活动,让学生创作正念艺术作品,如曼陀罗,并做练习,以促进健康、提升专注力和注意力。


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At ISA Wuhan, apart from the IXL Maths competition, we have many such interesting subject competitions, such as the recently concluded English Language Arts Cup. We are currently planningfor “Mindfulness Month”project that will involve students creating mindful artwork such as mandalas and doing exercises for improving wellness, focus and attention.

We want our students to be not only good at answering questions, but also creative problem solvers, connecting knowledge to the real world and building a caring and creative school community with our students.


