TWIS Wonderland
Halloween at Tungwah Wenzel International School is not just about creating a spooky ambiance; rather, it"s more like a wonderland where fictional characters jump off the pages of the books to interact with each other. As an annually anticipated event, Book Character Day provides both children and adults the opportunity to pay tribute to the heroes and heroines of books read in class or during leisure time by dressing up as the characters they find fascinating, interesting and intriguing. Let the festivities begin!
Introduce Ourselves
“我是来自《Happily Ever After》的白雪公主。”
“我是来自《Splat the Cat》的Splat。”
"I am Snow White from the book Happily Ever After."
"I am Splat from the book Splat the Cat."
"I am Xiaoyanzi from My Fair Princess."
So who are your favorite literary characters? Students took turns introducing themselves to mom and dad in the audience. There are characters from all sorts of genres, from our favorite fairy tale classics to the most recent science fiction literature.
The TWIS community has successfully brought the dream to life! We are meeting fellows from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry of Harry Potter,listening to the magical tales shared by Unicorns, as well as witnessing vibrant and active Super Mario experiencing the "new" games...!
Book Character Parade
After the self-introduction session, it"s time to gather outside the auditorium. Proudly displaying the books associated with their costume, students circled around twice before the next exciting event.
Are you able to find your favorite characters?
The Fantastic Artworks
Where do "Book Characters" go after the parade? They return to the "fantasy world" created by themselves.As we can see, each classroom door at PYP is embellished with vivid artwork.In actuality, they were produced by PYP students in art classin collaboration with their teachers.
以二年级为例,学生曾一起阅读过一本名为《理解与关爱(Understand and Care)》的书,他们在课上讨论了如何培养自己的同理心,如何通过倾听和尊重他人的感受来表达自己的关爱之心。受此启蒙,以此书内容为主题,学生在两周内完成了这些贴在教室大门上的作品。
In PYP 2, for instance,students read a book together called Understand and Care,in which they discussed how to develop their empathy by listening to and respecting the feelings of others.Inspired by this, the students decided to use the book as a theme to create a piece of artwork on their classroom door!
Treat or Trick?
And who do we find behind those doors? Mom and dad are loaded with sweets. Time to trick or treat!
Reading enriches the mind. As always, TWIS is dedicated to creating a community of readers. Prior to the Book Character Parade, PYP launched its Race to Reading program, and Obido Book Fair displayed brought in a wonderful collection of originally printed books. As good books create good thinkers and communicators, we also present a reference booklist of English picture books for students to enjoy.
参考资料 Reference:
特别鸣谢:视频制作者 Mr. Jason Jiang
Special Thanks to Mr. Jason Jiang for the Video Production.